On June 6, 2022 the Long Island Food Council will be hosting an event –  Climate Change and Our Changing Menu.

This special event is focused on climate change. Local stakeholders will take part in this important and timely discussion.

Watch the teaser video to learn more about the event and see Don Dilio’s interview with Dr. Michael Hoffman.

Additional Speakers:

Randi Shubin Dresner-Island Harvest

Vanessa Pino Lockel-Cornell Cooperative Extension

August Ruckdeshel-Suffolk County Department of Economic Development & Planning

Melanie Cirillo-Peconic Land Trust

Ann Marie Calabro-Agronomist-SC Soil & Water Conservation District

Brian Steinmuller-NYS Agriculture & Markets

Dr. Michael Hoffman, Author, Professor Emeritus at Cornell University, and Executive Director Emeritus for Climate Smart Solutions will be our special guest. He is co-author of “Our Changing Menu: Climate Change and the Foods We Love and Need”.

The discussion to follow will address the impacts of climate change on our local producers, actions we can take to mitigate those impacts, and community led grassroots plans to protect our planet.

Dr. Hoffman’s book will be available at the event or can be ordered through Cornell Press using the code 09SAVE(33% discount)


This event includes Breakfast