The Long Island Food Council is working with FuzeHub and MTRC to present a Food & Beverage Virtual Expo on Wed. Feb. 24, 9-12pm. FuzeHub, our state-wide MEP, purchased a license to a virtual platform called Remo. They agreed to partner in putting together an expo of food and beverage manufacturers as well as buyers, suppliers, and industry experts.
There is no charge to register or to host a table as an exhibitor. The companies would host their own table and attendees will pop in and out of their “table” so that the company may showcase their product in a tradeshow-style format and network. 
This is the first of this kind of trade-show event for the NY-MEP program. The event is open to all NYS Food and Beverage manufacturers as vendors. I know some of your companies are from the city. Our sister-MEP in NYC is a partner as well. This will be a good event for those companies as well to meet their regional MEP center. 
Here is the registration page with more information: 
As we get closer, FuzeHub will host a trail-run zoom for all the registered companies to test out the Remo system and get some Q&A time to iron out any kinks prior to the event.